bar & restaurant

MFWF is Coming!

Anada celebrates Melbourne Food and Wine Festival 2018 with two long Sunday lunches. A percentage of the cost of each ticket sale will be donated to local charity Sacred Heart Mission. Tickets are $70 per guest.


lunch at abuela's table

melbourne food and wine festival 2018

Sunday 18 March & Sunday 25 March at Midday

Mothers and grandmothers have traditionally been the heart of Spanish communities.
No better way to celebrate this year's theme of community than to indulge in a long Sunday lunch with the team at Añada, inspired by the warm balmy afternoons and home cooked meals in our grandmothers' kitchens.
Take a moment to celebrate your origins with the ones closest to you and give back to the local community. Ten percentage of the cost of each ticket sale will be donated to local charity Sacred Heart Mission.

Book now. Tickets are $70/guest. More information can be found at MFWF. Drinks can be purchased on consumption. You can also book by calling 9823 6100.



Almejas en conserva

Mojete murciano i trinxat


Codornices ahumado en escabeche

Croquetas de pate de cerdo con pisto 


Arroz con conejo

Escalivada con queso de cabra


Pastel de tres leches


For English translations, please call us at 03 9415 6101

Dietary restrictions can be catered for day-of